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Yoga is a wonderful tool to breathe, ground, and connect. It is a tool for listening to our bodies. It’s a tool to open our hearts and honor the body.If you are looking for a yoga routine to get started, I’m here to help.

My Yoga training began when I was twenty when I lived in an ashram. I practiced Hatha Yoga and meditation daily. The Yoga I studied was Vini-Yoga and Anusara. Vini-Yoga is very therapeutic and focuses on the breath.  I love how Anusara focuses on the alignment of our spiraling muscles that connect through the body. I have played with other types of Yoga over the years, such as Bikram. I’m no longer focused on one type of yoga and have integrated all I’ve learned.

I started teaching Yoga professionally in 2005. In 2017 I did get certified to work in a Mental Health clinic. I have taught Yoga at fitness centers, a mental health clinic and resorts for years.